Author Archives: Wayne Roberts

Bradford Wins 3rd Dreswick Cup

The Dreswick men’s singles took place on Thursday afternoon at Breagle Glen, this is Port St Mary’s longest running ‘Open’ competition, first played back in 1947. A good entry of 44 players took part, including 14 visiting bowlers on tour from the Owd Nell’s pub in Preston. A damp start didn’t dampen the atmosphere around the green and conditions improved throughout the day.

The fallers at the quarter final stage were Ben Mowle (Port Erin) to Paul Dunn ( Marown), Andy Tiffin (Owd Nell’s) to Glynn Hargraves (South Ramsey), Wayne Roberts (Port St Mary) to David Bradford (South Ramsey). The closest quarter final match was between Trevor Quayle (Port St Mary) and Chris Dransfield (Owd Nells), with the game at 20-20 and a front toucher for Quayle, Dransfield managed to play into the touching wood and leave himself on to win the match 21-20.

The first semi-final was between Dunn and Hargraves, the latter started with three singles before Dunn won nine ends in a row to take an 18-9 lead. Hargraves got it back to 18-14 before Dunn finished it off to win 21-14.

The other semi-final between Bradford and Dransfield was a more one sided match, Bradford kept Dransfield down to scoring four singles to win 21-10.

The final between Dunn and Bradford was always going to be a close match, after 16 ends the score was 15-15, Bradford finished the stronger to win The Dreswick for the third time, adding to his wins from 2005 and 2022.

The prize presentation was made by Wayne Roberts thanking Port St Mary competition secretary Christine Holland for running the comp, and everyone else at Port St Mary bowling club that helped make the day a success.

Owd Nell’s Bowling Team (Preston) visiting bowlers who took part in the Dreswick Cup Photo: Arnie Withers

Port St Mary Trio Win Threesomes Cup

16 teams took part this weekend in the Port St Mary any combination threesomes ‘open’ competition on a damp but improving afternoon.

The fallers at the quarter final stage were Colin Kelly, Phil Kelly and Walter McCarthy (Marown) losing a hard fought match to Peter Jones, Rebecca Teare and Glenn Boland (Marown) 17-21. Also losing 17-21 were Clare Cooper, Lyn Bolton and Sid Bolton (Marown) to Dylan Marsh, Ed Benson and Alan Crebbin (Port Erin). Les Brookes, Edward Carlyle and Bryan Lindsay (Finch Hill, South Ramsey and Peel) beat Glynn Hargraves, Kian Bradford and David Bradford (South Ramsey) 21-12. The match of the round saw home greeners of Margaret Tasker, Mavis Franks and Tricia Bull with an impressive 21-15 win over John Kennish, Jordan Cain and Bob Clark (South Ramsey).

In the semi-finals Jones, Teare and Boland ended the good run of Marsh, Benson and Crebbin 21-6, whilst Tasker, Franks and Bull had another impressive of 21-13 against Brookes, Carlyle and Lindsay.

In the final Tasker, Franks and Bull carried on their good form building up a 19-11 lead. Jones, Teare and Boland hit back with a four and a single to close the gap to three points. However the three Port St Mary ladies scored two singles to get the job done and secure an impressive day of bowling.

Port St Mary competition secretary Wayne Roberts presented the prizes and thanked all those that took part in the competition and everyone that helped through the day.

McMullan Wins Bill Oliver Junior Trophy

11 juniors took part in the Port St Mary Bill Oliver junior open competition on Saturday morning.

The players were drawn into two groups in a round robin format consisting of matches played over seven ends.

The top two players in each group progressed to the semi-finals to be played over eight ends.

In the first semi-final, Madison McMullan (Mooragh Park) played her younger sister Bailey (Mooragh Park), this was a very close match and after seven ends the score was 5-5. On the last end Bailey was laying game with two good woods only for Madison to play a great last bowl to win the match.

In the second semi-final Dylan Marsh (Port Erin) played Aalish Moore (Castletown). This pair met recently in the final of a Castletown club comp with the latter winning that encounter. Dylan was determined for a better result this time and played very well to win this match 11-1.

The final was played over 10 ends. Both players were playing to a very high standard as they had been all morning, on this occasion Madison played the more consistent and won the match 13-4.

As usual the standard of bowls from the Islands bowlers was amazing to watch and just seems to get better every year.

At the presentation Christine Holland introduced Roy Oliver to present the prizes. Roy thanked all the players that took part and everyone that helped with the competition.

‘Nev’ Wins Maiden Dreswick Cup

A healthy entry of 40 players took part in Port St Mary’s Dreswick Cup men’s singles competition played at Port Erin Bowling Club on Thursday afternoon. Luckily the weather was warm and sunny making it a very enjoyable afternoon of bowls.

The Dreswick Cup has been going for over 50 years and has always been played on a Thursday afternoon when traditionally most local shops had half day closing on a Thursday.

A couple of big matches in the second round saw club mates competing with each other, in the top half of the draw South Ramsey’s Glynn Hargraves pushed David Bradford hard eventually losing to 19-21. In the bottom half of the draw Marown’s Colin Kelly also went close before losing to 20-21 against Neil Withers.

At the quarter final stage David Bradford beat teammate James Teare 21-18, Paul Dunn beat clubmate Walter McCarthy 21-11, Alan Moore (South Ramsey) ended home greener Bernie Durcan’s (Port Erin) run winning 21-17 and Neil Withers got the better of Nathan Hamilton (Castletown) 21-16.

Both semi-final matches involved players from South Ramsey and Marown, Bradford and Dunn have had many battles together, Dunn came out on top this time winning seven of the last eight ends to win 21-17.

In the second semi-final Moore and Withers had a good match with the lead constantly changing, Withers finished stronger though and won 21-18.

An all Marown final between team mates Dunn and Withers was a good quality game, Withers started strong building up a 16-7 lead, Dunn came back winning the next five ends closing the gap to 16-14 before Withers took control again taking the next four ends to win 21-14.

The Presentation was made by Port St Mary Club President Margaret Tasker who thanked all the members that helped through the day to run a successful competition. In his speech Withers said it was his first time winning the title having reached the final five times previously.

Gawne & Kennish Win Port St Mary Cup Mixed Doubles

20 pairs took part in this year’s Port St Mary mixed doubles open competition held at Breagle Glen on Thursday afternoon, with the competition having a new sponsor this year with Cooil’s Dairy sponsoring the competition.

There were some good close matches in the early rounds with an all Port Erin contest of Philomena Dobson & Nigel Haymes who took on Pauline Worrall & Alan Crebbin, with this game taking over one and a half hours to complete, this was eventually won by Pauline & Alan.

Losing out at the quarter final stage were Margaret Tasker (Port St Mary) and Derek Allen (Onchan) 17-21 to South Ramsey’s Elaine Moore and Glynn Hargraves. Castletown pair Tracy Moore and Ross Moore succumbed to Onchan’s Sue Gawne and Andy Kennish 12-21. Home greener Caroline Whitehead and Mark Kelly (Onchan) lost out to Philippa Taylor (Marown) and Alec Taylor (Peel) 15-21, while Clare Cooper (Marown) and Wayne Roberts (Port St Mary) were well beaten 12-21 by Lyn Bolton (South Ramsey) and Trevor Quayle (Port St Mary).

The first semi-final between Moore/Hargraves and Gawne/Kennish was quite even early on with the score 13-11 after nine ends to Gawne/Kennish, with a four on end 10 putting the latter in control of the match as they went on to win 21-15. The second semi-final between the Taylor’s and Bolton/Quayle was a bit more one sided, with the latter always in control and scoring a four on the final end to win 21-10.

The final was expected to be a tight match with two strong pairs that have won several competitions between them. After 10 ends the score was 11-11, Gawne/Kennish then had a good run over four ends scoring two doubles, a single and a three to lead 19-11, Bolton/Quayle fought back well getting back to 20-17 before Gawne/Kennish got the single point they needed to secure the win.

The presentation was made by Club President Margaret Tasker who thanked the sponsors Juan and Kirstie Hargraves at Cooil’s Dairy, everyone at the club that helped on the day, Ed Benson for preparing the green and all the players that took part.

‘Super Eagles’ retain Threesomes Cup

The Port St Mary ‘any combination threesomes’ took place on Sunday 13th July. A great entry of 36 teams battled it out to take the honours of winning this competition, which was being held on this green for the last time. With 108 bowlers taking part, the atmosphere around the green was fantastic.

After a long afternoon and many good matches played on a good running green, we finally got down to the semi-finals. In the first semi-final Paula Garrett, Stuart Garrett and Harley Garrett (Douglas) took on Ryan Hargraves, Glynn Hargraves and Stefan Kelly (South Ramsey), with the latter ending the good run of the Garrett’s team. It was a good match to watch and good to see younger players competing with experienced players. In the second semi-final, last year’s winners Bob Clark, Jordan Cain and Matthew Quirk (Castletown/Onchan) were up against the strong team of Neil Withers, Phil Dunn and Paul Dunn (Marown). Although the score line of 21-13 might suggest a one sided match, every end was hard fought with some great bowling from all players. The consistent good bowling from last year’s champions was the difference in this match to take them through to the final.

In the final Clark, Cain and Quirk carried on their excellent bowling. Hargraves, Kelly and Hargraves were also playing well, but the defending champions just kept the pressure on and came up with the bowls when needed, winning the match 21-11.

At the presentation, club President Pete Collins presented the trophy to the winners and thanked the sponsors Jacksons Engineering and everybody at the club that helped make the competition a success. Finally, Port St Mary Bowling Club would like to thank all the competitors and spectators that came down for their support and generosity, and best wishes for the future.

Teare & Dunn Win PSM Cup

39 pairs competed for the Port St Mary Cup mixed doubles on Bank Holiday Monday. Another day of good weather made the day very enjoyable. The green was running very fast, making it very tricky to get close to the jack.

At the quarter final stage Lyn Bolton (South Ramsey) and Trevor Quayle (Port St Mary) beat Elaine Moore and Glynn Hargraves (South Ramsey) 21-14. Home greeners Chris Price and Wayne Roberts beat Fiona Kennish and Steven Waters (South Ramsey) 21-15. Rebecca Teare and Paul Dunn (Marown) beat Jenny Moore and James Teare (South Ramsey) 21-20, whilst Kim Hargraves and Stefan Kelly (South Ramsey) beat Lorna Brady-Glover and Ray Maddrell (Port St Mary) 21-11.

First of the semi-finals saw the reigning champions from 2019, Bolton and Quayle take on Price and Roberts, a close match all the way to the end with the latter winning 21-19. In the second semi-final Teare and Dunn took on Hargraves and Kelly, as always at this stage another tough match, but Teare and Dunn won 21-14.

In the final Teare and Dunn stepped up a gear and were always in control eventually winning 21-11.

The presentation was made by club president Pete Collins, who thanked the sponsors Isle of Man Farmers, and everyone at the club that helped make the competition a success.

‘Pink Panthers’ Win Threesomes Cup

The Equiom any combination triples took place at Port St Mary bowling club on Saturday. With 81 bowlers from around the Island taking part and the sun shining, there was a great atmosphere around the green.

Losing out at the quarter final stage were the Marown trio of Paul Dunn, Phil Dunn and Neil Withers to club mates Colin Kelly, Karl Parker and Walter McCarthy 9-21. The youthful trio of Kevin Kelly, Tom Kelly and Tariq Taher were defeated by the home team of Chris Price, Kellie Maddrell and Jayne Kneen 17-21. Also losing out were Debbie Leece, Rebecca Teare and Alison Keggen (Noble’s) to Jordan Cain (Onchan), Bob Clark (Castletown) and Matthew Quirk (Onchan) 17-21. Home greeners Margie Tasker, Tricia Bull and Mavis Franks were defeated 11-21 by club mates Paul Skelly, Dan McCabe and Paul Russell.

In the first semi-final Chris Price, Kellie Maddrell, Jayne Kneen lost out to Colin Kelly, Karl Parker and Walter McCarthy. It was a close game all the way, but the guys scored seven points the last three ends to win 21-15. In the second semi-final, home greeners Paul Skelly, Dan McCabe and Paul Russell were up against Jordan Cain, Bob Clark and Matthew Quirk. With the scores tied at 18-18, Jordan, Bob and Matthew scored a three to reach the final.

With both finalists including previous winners of this trophy, a good final was expected and it didn’t disappoint. It was another close match at 15-14 before Jordan, Bob and Matthew won the last four ends to win 21-14.

The presentation was made by club captain Margie Tasker who thanked everyone at the club for putting on the event and to Equiom for their sponsorship. Margie then introduced Nina Moore of Equiom to make the presentations.

Marown Trio Triumph

The Men’s Threesomes Cup took place on Sunday 9th June at Port St Mary Bowling, kindly sponsored for the first time by Equiom IOM. 18 teams took part in perfect conditions on a very good green.

Making it through to the semi-final stages, Neil Withers, Paul Dunn and Darren Kerruish took on club mates Colin Kelly, Phil Kelly and Walter McCarthy. After nine ends Colin, Phil and Walter were just ahead 13-12, on the 10th end they scored an amazing six to go 19-12 ahead. Neil, Paul and Darren fought back to 17-19 before finally losing out 17-21. In the second semi-final Sam Clague, Harry Barton and Glenn Boland took on home greeners Paul Skelly, Dan McCabe and Paul Russell. At 20-15 up it looked like the home team would be in the final. However the teenage trio of Sam, Harry and Glenn scored a four on the next end to put the pressure on. They then went on to score two singles to win 21-20. Amazingly they had also won their previous two games 21-20, including beating last years winners John Kennish, Dido Kelly and Peter Collister in the first round.

In the final, the more experienced team of Colin, Phil and Walter proved too much for the youngsters as they raced into a 17-6 lead. Sam, Harry and Glen couldn’t get back into this match, eventually losing 21-7. Maybe they just ran out of steam after winning three tough matches, but they should be proud of the way they played today.

At the presentation, club Captain Ray Watterson thanked the Port St Mary ladies catering team, Wayne Roberts and Robbie Cooil for running the competition, and everyone else that helped on the day. Ray then thanked the sponsors and introduced Caroline Ashley of Equiom to present the prizes.

Bolton & Quayle Win Port St Mary Cup

A total of 22 Pairs competed in this years Isle of Man Farmers sponsored Port St Mary Cup mixed doubles.

In the first quarter final, last years winners Paula and Stuart Garrettat 20-14 up against Lyn Bolton and Trevor Quayle looked like they would reach the semi-final again, however Lyn and Trevor went on a good run to win the match 21-20. The second quarter final Jenny Moore and James Teare beat Alec and Philippa Taylor 21-9. Jenny and James were in control of this match, only allowing Alec and Phillipa four single points. In quarter final number three, Wayne Roberts and Sue Gawne were in control and built up a 15-6 lead and lying two on the next end until Matthew played a great bowl to take the jack through and made a four. Matthew and Alison went on to win 21-17. Glynn Hargraves and Elaine Moore were up against Kim Hargraves and Stefan Kelly in the last quarter final. This was always going to be a ‘friendly’ game. The bragging rights going to Kim and Stefan this time winning a close match 21-18. 

The first semi-final, Trevor Quayle and Lyn Bolton took on Jenny Moore and James Teare. Trevor and Lyn took charge of this match winning 21-12. The second semi-final was a bit closer with Kim Hargraves and Stefan Kelly winning a hard fought match against Matthew and Alison Keggen 21-16.

The final between Lyn Bolton and Trevor Quayle against Kim Hargraves and Stefan Kelly was a tight match early on. After 10 ends Lyn and Trevor were leading 11-10, this included two dead ends in which Stefan fired the jack off to keep them in the match. Lyn and Trevor then scored a single, four two’s and a single to win 21-10.

The presentation was made by Mike Caley of Isle of man Farmers. Lyn and Trevor thanked Mike for their continued sponsorship, the ladies for their catering, Ray Watterson for the excellent green and everyone who helped to run the competition.