News: Ladies Over 60’s

Full Points for Port Erin A Over 60’s

Port Erin A scored maximum points when they visited Ballaugh B, with Voirrey Curphey and Alison Stockham winning their games to single figures. Brenda Bowyer narrowly missed out on a win for Ballaugh 18-21 Mavis Franks.

Castletown B 85-114 Marown (1-5)

Ballaugh B 77-126 Port Erin A (0-6)

Mooragh Park B 68-122 Mooragh Park A (1-5)

Port Erin B 87-113 Port St Mary A (3-3)

Peel Sunset 122-55 Onchan A (5-1)

Finch Hill 80-124 Castletown A (1-5)

South Ramsey 81-107 Nobles (2-4)

In the second games of the week Castletown B gave a good fight when they visited Onchan A, scoring level on games and on 5 chalk points difference on the final score. The closest game of the match was Caroline Heathcote (Onchan) 20-21 Linda Dobinson (C/T B).

Onchan A 100-95 Castletown B (3-3)

Mooragh Park A 125-57 Port Erin B (5-1)

Nobles 126-42 Mooragh Park B (6-0)

Ballaugh A 103-74 Finch Hill (4-2)

Port Erin A 106-99 South Ramsey (5-1)

Marown 112-63 Ballaugh B (5-1)

Double match week for Over 60’s Ladies

South Ramsey had two good wins in the double game week playing Finch Hill in the first game. Lil Smith was the lone Finch hill winner 21-13. South Ramsey 118-67 Finch hill (5-1).

In their second game South Ramsey dropped only two points with Sue Peach grabbing a win for Castletown A 21-19. South Ramsey 124-94 Castletown A (5-1).

The closest game of the week was peel sunset 102-96 Port Erin A (3-3) both teams had a good 21-8 win. The Peel side just managed to take the win on points. 

Tuesday 25th June Results

Marown 109-76 Mooragh Park A (4-2)

Port Erin A 111-104 Nobles (3-3)

Peel Sunset 126-60 Port Erin B (6-0)

Onchan A 70-126 Port St Mary A (0-6)

Castletown B 79-114 Ballaugh A (1-5)

South Ramsey 118-67 Finch Hill (5-1)

Ballaugh B 62-126 Castletown A (0-6)

Thursday 27th June Results

Marown 93-115 Nobles (3-3)

Mooragh Park B 70-120 Finch Hill (1-5)

Castletown B 91-107 Port St Mary A (2-4)

Ballaugh B 71-121 Ballaugh A (1-5)

Peel Sunset 102-96 Port Erin A (3-3)

Onchan A 69-120 Mooragh Park A (1-5)

South Ramsey 124-94 Castletown A (5-1)

Port Erin A take good away win at Mooragh Park in ladies over 60s

With a draw on games 3-3 Port Erin A took the win 84-10 , with Alison Stockham, Caroline Whitehead and Jenny Cain (Port Erin A) all winning to single figures. Mooragh’s winners were Janet Monk, Maureen Hamilton and Chris Sims.

Castletown A 126-44 Castletown B (6-0)

Ballaugh A 126-69 Onchan A (6-0)

Peel Sunset 61-126 Nobles (0-6)

Port Erin B 115-84 Mooragh Park B (5-1)

Finch Hill 115-72 Ballaugh B (5-1)

Lil Smith Claims Gladys Cowell Over 60’s Title

The Gladys Cowell Ladies Over 60’s Open Competition was held at Peel Sunset Bowling Club on a glorious afternoon on Saturday 25th May. This competition has been supported by the Cowell family since 1993. There were 15 entries.

The quality of bowling was exceptional, after a few remarkably close games the outcome was that Lil Smith (Marown BC), and Terri Berry (Peel Sunset BC) reached the final. Lil was the more experienced bowler of the two finalists and bowled corner to corner with superb accuracy. Terri bowled equally well on the shorter lengths the final score was 21-14 to Lil, a very worthy winner. This was Terri’s first final and she bowled superbly throughout the competition.

The President, Lynda Wilson, thanked everyone attending the event and thanked the Cowell family for their continued support. The two semi-finalists, Joyce Kelly and Gill Clarke received prizes along with Terri as runner up and Lil as outright winner. 

Finch Hill Over 60’s Ladies claim maximum win on home green

Finch Hill were on top form when Onchan A visited them with a player short again. Iris Kermode took the walkover 21-0. Team mates Brenda Williams and Lil Smith both won 21-7 and Sue Caley and Anne Hon 21-14. Wendy Cowin added to the full house with her 21-10 win.

Finch Hill 126-52 Onchan A 6-0)

Mooragh Park B 40-125 South Ramsey (1-5)

Castletown A 116-76 Marown (4-2)

Ballaugh A 104-114 Port Erin A (4-2)

Peel Sunset 107-73 Mooragh Park A (4-2)

Port Erin B 109-106 Ballaugh B (2-4)

Port St Mary A 89-105 Nobles (1-5)

Finch Hill had another good win later in the week when they travelled to Castletown B losing just one game, Lil Smith and Wendy Cowin both had good single figure wins. Castletown’s lone winner Elaine McElroy had a good 21-9 win.

Castletown B 75-114 Finch Hill (1-5)

Nobles 119-70 Mooragh Park A (5-1)

Mooragh Park B 39-126 Peel Sunset (0-6)

Marown 90-108 Ballaugh A (2-4)

Port Erin A 109-91 Port St Mary A (4-2)

Onchan A 24-126 Castletown A (0-6)

Port Erin B secure maximum home win

Port Erin B secure maximum home win in Ladies Over 60’s

Maximum points for home team Port Erin B Taking full advantage of Onchan A unable to field a full team. Onchan fought hard with 2 loses 21-20 and 2 to 21-14. The south side took the win (6-0) 126-68

Mooragh Park B 58-111 Castletown B (1-5)

Peel Sunset 108-104 Port St Mary A (3-3)

Ballaugh A 102-95 Mooragh Park A (3-3)

Castletown A 113-84 Nobles (4-2)

South Ramsey 113-56 Ballaugh B (5-1)

Finch Hi 73-113 Port Erin A (2-4)

In the second games of the week South Ramsey and Peel Sunset had a close encounter. Jill Quayle, Sue Collier and Judy Kelly all took wins for the Ramsey side. But the Peel Sunset ladies tied on games 3-3 with Terry Berry, Ceila Smith and Shirley Corrin all winning. The game finished with South Ramsey just 1 point clear to take the win 106-105. 

Castletown B 85-102 Port Erin B (2-4)

Ballaugh B 114-76 Mooragh Park B (5-1)

Marown 103-65 Finch Hill (4-2)

Mooragh Park A 117-69 Port St Mary A (4-2)

Nobles 97-105 Ballaugh A (3-3)

Port Erin A 104-113 Castletown A (3-3)

Ballaugh B edged out a 3 point win

Ballaugh B edging out a 3 point win against Castletown B in O60’s Ladies

Castletown B just lost out by 3 points when they travelled to Ballaugh B last Tuesday. All the games were closely contested with the losses all to high double figures. But Ballaugh came out the winners 111-108 (3-3)

Port Erin B 47-126 Port Erin A (0-6)

Castletown A 113-62 Port St Mary A (5-1)

Peel Sunset 116-103 Ballaugh A (4-2)

South Ramsey 124-49 Onchan A (4-2)

Finch Hill 75-100 Mooragh Park A (2-4)

Mooragh Park B 40-126 Marown (0-6)

The second games of the week saw a very close game at Mooragh Park A playing Castletown A. The Park side only managed to secure 2 wins but both with an impressive 21-4 scoreline. Kathryn Kinley from Castletown A fought back with a 5-21 win, but the park side had managed to hold on to a draw 92-92  (2-4).

Ballaugh B 94-106 Peel Sunset (2-4)

Castletown B 53-126 South Ramsey (0-6)

Nobles 120-97 Finch Hill (5-1)

Onchan A 92-97 Mooragh Park B (4-2)

Marown 121-72 Port Erin B (5-1)

Port St Mary A 83-124 Ballaugh A (1-5)

Great home win for Ballaugh A in Over 60’s

Ballaugh A take a 1 point win from Castletown A.

Castletown A travelled to Ballaugh A and won 4 games to Ballaugh’s 2. But with some fantastic bowling from the Ballaugh side they won the game by just 1 point 101-100. Julie Reilly just lost out 20-21 to Barbara Young (Castletown).

At Nobles park the ladies were in fine form against Port Erin B 126-32 (6-0) Pat Heesom (PE) managed to reach double figures for her club to gain a few points losing 21-13. Nobles won all the other 5 games to low single figures.

 Marown 91-111 South Ramsey (2-4)

Nobles 126-32 Port Erin B (6-0)

Ballaugh A 101-100 Castletown A (2-4)

Castletown B 85-118 Peel Sunset (1-5)

Onchan A 116-94 Ballaugh B (5-1)

Port Erin A 126-47 Mooragh Park B (6-0)

Port St Mary A 106-92 Finch Hill (4-2)

Warmer Weather on its way for the Ladies Over 60’s morning games

Top scoring game in the Ladies Over 60’s was Port St Mary A 123-62 Port Erin B winning 5 games to 1. The sole winner for the Port Erin B side was Steph Swift 21-18. 

Port Erin A 104-74 Ballaugh B (3-3)

Mooragh Park A 101-78 Mooragh Park B (3-3)

Marown 109-78 Castletown B (4-2)

Castletown A 113-89 Finch Hill (5-1)

Onchan A 79-107 Peel Sunset (2-4)

Nobles 121-84 South Ramsey (4-2)

The second game of the week saw Nobles head North To Mooragh Park B where they scored an impressive 0-6 victory. Both Sue Gawne and Sylvia Kennaugh won 21-1. Gill Hammond and Mary Bruce from the home team narrowly missed out 18-21.

The Mooragh Park A team travelled South to score another impressive 0-6 victory over Port Erin B. Taking the maximum points available Joy Morris won her game 0-21 to give an good win score of Port Erin B 64-126 Mooragh Park A (0-6)

Castletown B 97-74 Onchan A (4-2)

Mooragh Park B 53-126 Nobles (0-6)

Ballaugh B 72-112 Marown (2-4)

Peel Sunset 123-92 Castletown A (5-1)

Finch Hill 92-100 Ballaugh A (3-3)

South Ramsey 114-76 Port Erin A (5-1)

46-126 was the score of the day in Over 60’s Ladies

Peel Sunset had a close encounter with away team Finch Hill winning 5-1 on games, but Finch Hill gained an impressive 91 points against the home sides 119. Terry Berry (Peel) 21-19 Anne Hon (Finch) and Shirley Corrin (Peel) 21-18 Lil Smith (Finch) were the closest games of the day. Elaine Vincent was the only winner for Finch Hill winning 21-14. 

Two Scores of 46-126 (0-6) went to Port Erin B versus Ballaugh A and Onchan A versus Marown. Both away teams took the wins. Onchan A have unfortunately had to give a total of 3 games away already this season, let’s hope they can get a full team for the upcoming game fixtures.

Mooragh Park B 63-113 Port St Mary A (1-5)

Castletown B 81-119 Port Erin A (1-5)

Ballaugh B 58-126 Nobles (0-6)

Peel Sunset 119-91 Finch Hill (5-1)

Port Erin B 46-126 Ballaugh A (0-6)

South Ramsey 102-94 Mooragh Park A (3-3)

Onchan A 46-126 Marown (0-6)