Finch Hill Over 60’s Ladies claim maximum win on home green

Finch Hill were on top form when Onchan A visited them with a player short again. Iris Kermode took the walkover 21-0. Team mates Brenda Williams and Lil Smith both won 21-7 and Sue Caley and Anne Hon 21-14. Wendy Cowin added to the full house with her 21-10 win.

Finch Hill 126-52 Onchan A 6-0)

Mooragh Park B 40-125 South Ramsey (1-5)

Castletown A 116-76 Marown (4-2)

Ballaugh A 104-114 Port Erin A (4-2)

Peel Sunset 107-73 Mooragh Park A (4-2)

Port Erin B 109-106 Ballaugh B (2-4)

Port St Mary A 89-105 Nobles (1-5)

Finch Hill had another good win later in the week when they travelled to Castletown B losing just one game, Lil Smith and Wendy Cowin both had good single figure wins. Castletown’s lone winner Elaine McElroy had a good 21-9 win.

Castletown B 75-114 Finch Hill (1-5)

Nobles 119-70 Mooragh Park A (5-1)

Mooragh Park B 39-126 Peel Sunset (0-6)

Marown 90-108 Ballaugh A (2-4)

Port Erin A 109-91 Port St Mary A (4-2)

Onchan A 24-126 Castletown A (0-6)