Ruby Keggen picks up 1st Win

Castletown B picked up an impressive win at home against Douglas with youngster Ruby Keggen following in the footsteps of her parents and taking her first win having only played 3 games previously. Barbara Young won 21-0. Paula Garrett fought back with a 2-21 win for the Douglas side. Castletown B 139-138 Douglas (5-4).

Ruby Keggen picks up her first open age league win.

The top of the table clash between South Ramsey and Castletown A took place up north with the home side only losing out by just 9 points. Both sides had a couple of single figure wins, and it’s still all to play for at the top of the league table.

South Ramsey 142-151 Castletown A (3-6)

Mooragh Park 160-155 Nobles (4-5)

Port St Mary 94-183 Marown A (1-8)

Marown B 175-136 Ballaugh B (7-2)

Peel Sunset 162-143 Port Erin (5-4)